Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who gets to write these Press Releases?

I've gotten a handfull of these emails (below) recently from the FDA. It's serious business and I'm glad they're being vigilant, but do you think there are fights over who gets to write these press releases?

Glow Industries, Inc. Issues Nationwide Recall of Mr. Magic Male Enhancer from Don Wands Amended

Glow Industries, Inc., Perrysburg, OH, announced today that it is initiating a voluntary nationwide recall of the company's product sold under the name of Mr. Magic Male Enhancer from Don Wands. Glow Industries, Inc. is conducting this voluntary recall after being informed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that lab analysis has found the Mr. Magic Male Enhancer from Don Wands capsules to contain Hydroxythiohomosildenafil and Sulfoaildenafil, an analogue of Sildenafil, an FDA-approved drug used in the treatment of male Erectile Dysfunction (ED), making Mr. Magic Male Enhancer an unapproved new drug. These active ingredients are not listed on the product label. Product manufactured containing lot numbers 9041401, 251209 and 8121904 are included in this recall...

I had always assumed these types of companies simply sold snake oil. I never considered the possibility that they were getting their hands on bona-fide analogues of sildenafil and the like. Weird and scary all at once.