Friday, May 29, 2009

FDA Mobile News App Just Got Accepted into Apple's App Store

Like everyone else on the planet looking to score 99 cents (70 cents after commission), I developed an iPhone app: FDA Mobile News.

Basically it's a glorified RSS reader devoted to FDA's RSS feeds and I charge a whopping $0.00 for it (I get 70% of that--so who's the fool, now?).

It still has some problems that need to be worked out (as my only reviewer pointed out--someone who goes by the name of "Saddam Hussein's Lost Car Keys" [WTF?] it isn't particularly clear that the globe icon that I use is actually a hyperlink to the full RSS article).

Well, the way the App Store is these days, I wouldn't be surprised if my parents were toiling away in their basement crafting some "newfangled iAARP contraption for that iTelephone store where everybody gets rich"--70 cents at a time.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Things I Like About FDA Informatics

Sometimes me conscience gets to me. And lately I feel like I've been bashing the FDA data releases too much.

So today, I reverse course and list 2 IT-related thingies pushed out by the FDA that I like (sort of).

I'll go back to bashing the FDA later this week.

Thing # 1. The Peanut Product Recall Widget. This is a small Flash box (widget) that anyone can place onto a web-site. You just place a small snippet of code in your HTML and you get access to what looks like *all* FDA-related product recalls (not just the peanuts).

Why then, do they call it the Peanut Product Recall Widget? I have no idea, but bad branding isn't a felony.

The styling of the widget lies somewhere between "design by Stevie Wonder" and "absolutely horrendous", but as mentioned above--not...a...felony.

Thing #2. the MedWatch widget. Same principle applies as with the Product Recall Widget. Small bit of code and you get 4 links to MedWatch information. The utility of this widget is a tad suspect, as all it does is provide a collection of 4 hyperlinks. The Product Recall Widget has a search function, thereby vaulting it to a higher echelon in the pantheon of widgets.

But there you have it. 2 examples of the FDA reaching out on the informatics front and doing a good job.