Monday, May 18, 2009

AERS & VAERS Reporting Frequency has Approximately Tripled since their Inceptions

A little bit of navel gazing today, but I decided to plot the # of reports submitted to the AERS and VAERS systems vs. Time today. There are small bits of information in the graphs shown below that might warrant further examination.

e.g., The # of reports submitted to AERS has almost tripled from 1998 to 2008 (11 years).

Is this a big increase?

I can't really say with any certainty, but it feels like an inadequate increase given the concomitant increases in the use of information technology over that period (e.g., the interwebs).

[Aside: Wolfram Alpha is being of no use in trying to find the change in internet usage over the years to serve as a comparison---okay wikipedia is telling me that internet usage from 1997 to 2007 has gone up almost 6 fold in the developed I think my feeling is probably correct.]

Also...what's going on with those dips in the # of reports in the early 2000s?

Note that 1997 only includes data for Q4 of that year so it's artificially low.

As far as VAERS is concerned, it looks mostly like a flat-line from 1991 to 2006 (okay it doubled, but that's over 16 years) and then there's a HUUUUGE spike over the past 2 years.

Is VAERS being "marketed" better all of a sudden, or is it The Jenny McCarthy/ Autism effect? Or both?

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